Best Ham Radio Propagation Software

Jan 17, 2010 - PROPAGATION SOFTWARE QST HF Propagation Prediction Charts -- MUF, Best Propagation Paths and Times -- PDF Files -- From the.

  1. best ham radio propagation software

HamCAP HF propagation prediction tool for Amateur Radio Posted date: December 16, 2014 in: Propagation, SoftwareNo Comments.. Taking at best advantage of both A must you if are serious in amateur radio! Requires Ham CAP and IonoProbe.. For VHF-UHF propagation prediction and radio Review of HF propagation analysis.. VOACAP is a free professional HF prediction program from NTIA/ITS, originally developed for Voice of America (VOA) and is the result of 50+ years of U.. Here’s a great resource for amateur radio operators The best thing about it is that it’s free! Unfortunately, it only runs on PCs, but since the FORTRAN source code is also free, perhaps I can figure out a way to adapt it to the Mac.

best ham radio propagation software

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Compare the best free open source Windows Ham Radio Software Useful software tools for ham radio.. S HF research and development Considered by many to be the most professional HF system performance prediction tool available, VOA and a number of other international HF broadcasters and institutions all over the world currently use it for HF frequency planning.. Features include: • Easy to use graphical user interface and, for advanced users, powerful command line options • Detailed Point-to-Point graphs and Area Coverage maps for 22 parameters of circuit quality such as: • SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) • Reliability • Required Power Gain • Signal Power • MUF • Takeoff/Arrival Angle, and more • Accurate predictions of the distribution of Worldwide Atmospheric and Man-made radio noise using the latest ITU-R recommendations and a unique combination methodology developed by the late A. D-link Wireless Media Player Dsm-320 Manual
